Aerial Yoga Equipment for Home
Is your child hooked on our amazing aerial yoga classes? Are they begging for their own aerial yoga hammock for home use? If so, this is the blog for you! This post will give you aerial yoga hammock tips for home use.
Why Buy An Aerial Yoga Hammock?
Aerial yoga gives children the feeling of safe, weightless flight. Participation in an aerial yoga class has a wide range of benefits for children of all ages, such as cognitive, neurological, motor, and developmental.
There are multiple therapeutic and sensory benefits associated with aerial yoga. Not only is your child having fun, they are strengthening all aspects of their health. Yoga in the aerial hammocks is a great tool to regulate the central nervous system, increase body awareness, and help children become aware of their own social and emotional needs so they can self-regulate their behavior.
What type of aerial yoga hammock is best for my child?
Aerial hammocks are available in single or double point. Preference is typically individualized as each type of hammock has it’s advantages.
At Mindful Child, we have specially designed our Mindful Child hammocks to move easily from a single point to a double point depending on what poses we are doing. This way we can have the best of both worlds!
Single Point Hammock. The single point allows for lots of spinning and hours of fun and is better suited for children who like fluid movement and spinning.
Double Point Hammock. The double point allows for more stability. There is a gentle rocking motion, but you do not spin. The double point is easier to swing in and sway side-to-side.
Swivel. Rotational devices or Swivels are not necessary for Aerial Yoga Hammocks, but they do allow an additional spinning component to single point hammock use. Swivels also decrease the force placed on the attachment point.
Mindful Child Aerial Yoga uses swivels, while performing single point poses, to allow versatility with hammock use, full movement in all planes, decreased twisting of hammock straps, smoothness with movement and extra fun! Most kids love how the swivel adds a sense of flow to movement in the hammock and allows a spinning component, but some kids and adults can be overwhelmed by spinning, which can lead to nausea.
Where Should I Buy An Aerial Yoga Hammock?
Not all hammock fabrics are equal and do not move the same. We recommend buying hammocks from Mindful Child Aerial Yoga. Sorry, we are a little bit biased. Our hammocks are made from the best aerial fabric on the market. They are strong, soft, and easy to clean! Mindful Child fabric is safety tested. The material breaks at 2,000 pounds. These aerial hammocks are machine washable and can be placed in the dryer, which is important if you want to kill viruses lurking on the material.
When buying equipment or a hammock make sure you use only high quality, safety rated equipment. We use Black Diamond safety rated climbing gear. REI and MooseJaw also provide safety tested equipment.
How Do I Rig A Hammock at Home?
Ceilings vary, which makes it difficult to give advice on how to hang hammocks. Do not compromise safety to save a few dollars. It’s important to have the hammock installed by a licensed contractor that understands aerial rigging. All hammocks need a strong support beam, a six foot diameter, and padded flooring beneath the hammock.
Install a hammock to reduce stress, improve happiness and for hours spent moving, creating and playing!