What is Occupational Therapy for Toddlers?
Occupational Therapy helps toddlers and children overcome delays by providing therapeutic intervention that helps improve foundational developmental skills. Developmental skills that we treat at Mindful Child include cognitive, social-emotional, motor, and more. Early intervention increases the chance of successful treatment and can help prevent secondary problems from developing. Secondary problems are issues such as emotional, behavior, attention, and self-confidence problems.
At Mindful Child, we believe effective treatment is determined by assessment results that consider the whole child. When your child is evaluated at Mindful Child, highly trained, professionally recognized experts are evaluating you.

Occupational therapy helps children in the following areas:
- Fine motor skills -using small muscles of the hands
- Cognitive skills
- Social and emotional skills
- Activities of daily living
- Sensory Processing
- Motor coordination
The Mindful Child approach to therapy is individualized to fit each child’s needs. It is always fun, and our occupational therapists use advanced clinical reasoning to determine what works and what helps you reach your goals. We build therapy sessions to fit each child’s unique strengths and weaknesses.
We use evidence-based approach techniques; we don’t follow just one protocol. Our occupational therapists use elements from different approaches based on your personal needs.
Occupational therapy for toddlers and children takes place in our sensory-rich aerial studio. During sessions, the occupational therapist guides you through activities in the aerial yoga hammock. The activities are designed to help you improve weakness determined during the assessment. When therapy looks like play, we know it is engaging and successful. In therapy, you should expect to move, fly and be mindful.
For information on our unique occupational therapy approach, complete the intake form, and we will call you set up an assessment.
The Importance of Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and Their Families [1.19 MB, 2 Pages] Accessed February 26, 2015.