How Do You Teach Mindfulness To Kids?
The best way to present information to children is in a manner that is infused with movement, fun, and play, so children are more likely to retain it. The same methods can be used for teaching mindfulness to kids.
Children learn through their senses. Activities that are multi-sensory and include movement are the most engaging and are the easiest way to teach mindfulness. Attention to your senses gives you an immediate experience of the present moment. Your brain focuses on the mindfulness activity instead of worrying about the future or ruminating about the past, which helps reduce depression and anxiety.
Mindfulness For Kids
What is mindfulness for kids? For children, mindfulness is defined as the practice of paying attention, with your senses, in a kind way, so you can choose your behavior. Childhood is full of fun and play, sure—but kids everywhere also experience stress, anxiety, challenging situations, and overstimulation from time to time. Yet knowing how to deal with these obstacles is not an innate skill that most kids have. Mindfulness is a powerful tool to help children navigate daily stress.
What are the Benefits of Mindfulness For Kids?
- Are easy to introduce.
- Take little time to implement.
- Are inexpensive.
- Can be done anytime and anywhere. (The mindfulness for kids strategies in my book, Mindfulness for Children, are perfect for home, school, and public places.)
- Are fun! Incorporating fun enhances the learning process and helps kids learn to be mindful faster.
3 Easy Steps to Teach Mindfulness to Kids:
- Elevator Breath. Lay in your aerial hammock or on the floor. Put one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. Practice breathing slowly. Your hands should go up as you breathe in and down as you breathe out – just like an elevator.
- Mindful Eating. Eat a piece of fruit mindfully. Notice what you feel, see, taste, hear, and smell. Did you notice something you haven’t noticed before?
- Be a Tree. Tree Pose teaches children how to achieve physical balance while they steady their minds. Don’t forget to do both sides to keep the brain and body balanced.
Learn More About Mindfulness for Kids
Want your child to learn ways to be more mindful? We have lots of different options. We incorporate mindfulness in every one of our classes, camps and therapy sessions. It is imbedded in everything we do. Sign your child up for a kid’s aerial yoga class or kid’s aerial yoga camp. We also offer kids occupational therapy services that use the aerial yoga hammock as a playful prop and can be billed to insurance. Come hang out with us!