Welcome all yogis and movers to Mindful Child Wellness, Prairie Village’s aerial yoga and occupational therapy studio for kids.
We are so excited to announce the launch of our brand new website designed to better connect families like you to our classes, workshops, summer camps, therapy programs, and more.
Flying Higher
Whether you’re a new visitor or you’ve practiced with us before, we hope you’ll enjoy our engaging and bright website we built with the help of an award-winning website agency, Lifted Logic.
Our intensive web design process facilitated by their team helped us think through every color, font, word, and image to put together a cohesive story.
Having a new website means it’s even easier for families in Prairie Village and beyond to learn about all that we have to offer and get connected with our professionals.
“Working with Mindful Child Wellness was such a wonderful experience! You can tell that they care very deeply about what they do. It’s so fulfilling to support their work and our shared Kansas City community.“
— Avery Tiefenthaler, Jr. Content Strategist at Lifted Logic
Hang Out With Us
Feel free to explore our website for more information or contact us today for more information about our services.