You have the power to change your brain – one thought at a time!
Did you know you have the power to change your brain? You, not doctors, have the power to change your thoughts. There are a lot of things you can’t control in your life, BUT you can control your thoughts. Even though this sounds simple, sometimes it is hard to change your mindset. Your brain is a muscle and just like the muscles in your arms your brain needs to work out to grow strong, healthy, and happy. Luckily there are lots of mood-changing workouts for your brain.
Here are four mood-changing workouts for your brain:
Take Deep Breaths
- Take 10 deep breaths. Find a peaceful place in your home or yard and practice taking ten deep slow breaths. Practice breathing throughout the day when you are happy and calm. Breathe all the way down to your belly to help your brain feel calm.
Go for a Walk
- Walk out your stress and worries. Just 10 minutes of movement, in nature, can change how you feel. Relaxed movement reduces stress-hormone production, resulting in a happier, healthier you.
Have an “Attitude of Gratitude”
- Have an “Attitude of Gratitude.” Gratitude shifts your mood and helps you to realize how much you have to be thankful for. Beginning your day with a short gratitude list is a powerful way to promote positive thinking and an overall sense of well-being.
Meditate Your Way to Happiness
- Do a short meditation. Meditation actually changes your brain. When you meditate your brain makes the brain chemicals that help you feel happy and relaxed. Science tells us that the more you meditate the more brain chemicals your brain makes. Try making meditation a daily habit, even if it is only for a few minutes every day.
Focus on the Now
Neuroscience demonstrates you can actually grow happy centers in your brain by feeding them happy thoughts. When you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, notice the feeling and then do one of the brain workouts above to change it. You can’t change unpleasant things from the past, but you can choose to change the present by focusing on the good in the here and now. Want to learn more about how movement, mindfulness, and breathing can change how you feel? Sign up for our online aerial yoga and mindfulness classes. If you are in the Kansas City area, hang out with us for 12-weeks this summer in our aerial yoga classes and camps.
Sevinc G, Lazar SW. How does mindfulness training improve moral cognition: a theoretical and experimental framework for the study of embodied ethics. Current Opinion in Psychology . 2019;28 :268-272. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Shapero BG, Greenberg J, Mischoulon D, Pedrelli P, Meade K, Lazar SW. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Improves Cognitive Functioning and Flexibility Among Individuals with Elevated Depressive Symptoms. Mindfulness . 2018 :1-13. Publisher’s VersionAbstract