This week we had a Harry Potter camp, complete with a daily Harry Potter relaxation story. Guided relaxation stories for children are a relaxing way to teach mindfulness to children. From full body relaxation to fun adventures like a trip to Hogwarts, your child will be relaxing in no time.
What are the Benefits?
Guided relaxation has many benefits. Relaxation stories help children reduce stress and anxiety. It teaches them to breathe deeply, which helps to calm the body and the mind. Listening to guided relaxation stories can also help children address everyday challenges in their lives.
Did you know that J.K. Rowlings suffered from depression and the dementors in Harry Potter were meant to symbolize depression? The objective of this story is to encourage children to think positive thoughts even when they are feeling dark and gloomy.
What to Say.
- Find a comfortable position in your hammock or on the floor.
- Begin to breathe deeply in and out through your nose.
- Feel your belly rise as you breathe in and fall as you breathe out.
- Imagine you are a dementor, a dark hooded creature, gliding above the ground. Picture your dementor in your mind.
- Your dementor is flying above Hogwarts on the lookout for Sirius Black.
- Move your body slowly as if you are gliding in the air.
- Dementors are full of unhappiness. The unhappiness makes you feel heavy and dark.
- Make your body feel heavy in your hammock.
- All the young wizards are afraid of you and flee when you float near them.
- One brave young wizard points his wand at you and says, “Expecto Patronum!”
- Suddenly you are flooded with light and happy thoughts. Stretch your body and as if you are full of light.
- Take a deep breath in. Let it out.
- As you float, think of a happy thought, make it your happiest thought ever.
- NOW imagine light shining through your dementor changing it, becoming your patronus. Your patronus can be any animal you want it to be, even a magical creature.
- Picture your patronus floating, filled with happiness and light.
- Take a deep breath in. Let it out.
- Come to a seated position. Notice how you feel.
To Encourage Relaxation…
For some children, relaxation can be a difficult skill to learn. Experiment with props and such as weighted lap pads, Meddy Teddy, eye pillows, and essential oils. Remember that all children are unique and will have different needs to help them de-stress. Make your story fun and use popular movies or books as inspiration to keep them engaged. Want to learn more ways to help children relax? Join us for our Mindful Child Yoga Teacher Training.