What’s Mindful Eating?
Mindfulness is a simple concept. To put it in basic terms it is being more aware. You can practice mindfulness in everything you do – all you need to do is pay attention. Mindfulness helps you notice what you are thinking and feeling while being less reactive toward emotions and thoughts.
When you practice mindful eating, you slow down, enjoy your food, and use your senses to be aware of what you see, hear, taste, feel, and smell.
Is Mindful Eating Effective?
Paying attention in the moment, being mindful, can enhance the functioning of your brain and body. When you slow down, you notice things you haven’t noticed before. Additionally, you think, pause, and reflect before reacting. Slowing down and improving awareness also allows you to pick a healthy coping strategy instead of reacting.
When you are in a mindful state, it helps you relax. Science has shown that when you are in mindful state, you experience a decrease in heart rate, perspiration, and brain waves. These physiological changes demonstrate that mindfulness encourages relaxation by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Your body cannot be stressed and relaxed at the same time. When you are relaxed your clarity improves and you make wiser food and life choices.
Can Eating Mindfully Lead to Better Health?
When eating mindfully, your attention is on the full experience of eating. It involves tuning into the body’s signals, which helps with overeating and digestion. By mindfully connecting with healthy food, you build a healthier relationship with food. Mindful eating decreases eating in front of the television and becoming overstuffed by eating too much.
Food For Thought
I hope this exploration of mindful eating helps you discover more ways to eat healthy foods as a family. For more mindfulness, check out my Mindfulness for Kids post. For even more on this topic, check out my book, Mindfulness for Children.
We teach mindful eating in our kid’s aerial yoga classes and camps. Register your child to learn more ways to mindful!