Discipline Strategies for ADHD
These strategies are so simple, quick, and effective, they feel like magic. I have used the 1-2-3 Magic system for 17-years, both as a psychologist and as an early childhood coordinator. If implemented correctly it works just like magician casting a spell.
For now we are only going to discuss stop behaviors. Stop behaviors include: aggression, yelling, pouting, whining, and arguing. Basically any behavior you want your child to stop doing.
Using a counting system to stop unwanted behaviors in children with special needs requires modifications. Children with ADHD and autism typically have problems processing information given through auditory directions. Adding visual supports can help with comprehension.
Visual Supports For ADHD
- Social Story. Children need the discipline procedure read to them with pictures of the time-in space, the timer, etc. The story needs to be very simple with only one to two sentences to a page.
- Time Timer. The Time Timer is a timer that has a red disk that disappears as time elapses. The best part is no irritating ticking, distractions, or setup. Click here to watch a video on the Time Timer.
First, read the social story. Second, read the story often. Repetition is the key. Now comes the tricky part, implementation. When you see “Johnny” doing something he is not suppose to be doing say, “That’s 1.” If he doesn’t stop say, “That’s 2.” If he still doesn’t stop, say, “That’s 3.” Then walk him to his time-in place. This can consist of a square on the floor made of duct tape (thinking square), his room, or whatever place you deem the time-in spot. Once he calms down start the timer. Sit near by and model deep breathing strategies. When the red is gone, time is up. Sounds simple, right? That’s because it is, but there are a few key components.
- Reduce talking too much. Only count.
- Stay level headed. Show no emotion.
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